Pineapple juice is the type of juice extracted from pineapple fruit. Pineapple is a tropical fruit rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. They may help strengthen the immune system, build strong bones and help indigestion. Despite their sweetness, pineapples have low calories.
No wonder it is commonly known as the King of Tropical Fruits, as it is full of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B5, B6 and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fiber.
Unlike other juices, pineapple juice itself is so sweet that it usually doesn’t require added sugar. In fact, the only substance that is usually added to it is ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, which is added to protect color and flavor.
So if you are reluctant to add extra vitamin juice, you can always squeeze it yourself.
Meanwhile, pineapples have long been used as an ancient family remedy for digestive problems and inflammation. The researchers also looked at its potential immune benefits and ability to reduce recovery time.
In this article, we look at some of the benefits that pineapple juice can provide, and some precautions people should take, but first give us a good understanding of the nutritional facts and health benefits of pineapple juice:
Nutritional Facts and Benefits of Pineapple
Pineapple contains Large amounts of vitamin C and manganese”, said Laura Flores, a nutritionist based in San Diego. These tropical fruits are also a great way to get important dietary fiber and bromine (enzyme).
“In addition to having a lot of manganese (for antioxidant defensives), pineapples also contain a lot of thiamine, a B vitamin produced by energy,” Flores said.
According to the USDA’s National Nutrition Database, despite the sweetness, a cup of pineapple cube contains only 74 calories. Pineapple is also fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in sodium. Not surprisingly, they do contain sugar, about 14 grams per cup.
Nutritional facts about pineapple
According to the USDA, here are the nutritional facts of raw pineapples:
1) Service size: “1 cup (165 g)”
Amount per share:
= 74
Total fat
= 0 g
= 0 mg
= 2 mg
= 206 mg
Total carbohydrates
= 19.5 grams
= 13.7 grams
= 1G
Vitamin C 28 mg
21 mg
notes: The nutritional profile of canned pineapple cans is different from raw pineapples because according to the USDA, canned pineapples are generally higher in calories and higher in sugar.
It also contains fewer vitamins and minerals. If you do choose canned pineapple, try not adding sugar or looking for varieties that canned with juice instead of syrup.
2) According to the USDA, a cup of canned, unsweetened pineapple juice weighs 250 grams (G) containing:
- 132 calories
- 0.9 g protein
- 0.3 grams of fat
- 32.2 grams of carbohydrates
- 0.5g fiber
- 25g sugar
Therefore, a (1) cup of pineapple juice is also a rich source of several important vitamins and minerals, including:
- manganese
- Vitamin C
- Thiamine
- Vitamin B-6
- Folic acid
Pineapple also contains the following nutrients:
- Potassium
- magnesium
- copper
- β-carotene
- antibiotic
- Blood thinner
- Antidepressants
- Anticonvulsant
Now, let’s discuss the amazing health benefits of pineapple juice:
Top 13 Health Benefits of pineapple juice

1. Anti-inflammatory properties of brominene
Bromelain is an enzyme in pineapple stems and juice. Meanwhile, according to research, pineapple is the only major dietary source of bromene. Although it is found at the maximum concentration of the fruit core, it can also be found throughout the sweet part and in the juice.
According to a recent study, pineapple may be useful in the treatment of exercise injuries, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of bromine and is particularly effective for arthritis. It contains a small portion of fiber that can help eliminate digestion and intestinal tract
Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme, meaning it is a mixture of enzymes that digest proteins and their anti-inflammatory properties, including reducing swelling and bruising, as it contains chemicals that prevent blood from clotting.
Bromelain also helps clean up damaged cells and works by triggering the body’s production to resist pain and relieve swelling substances.
2. Pineapple juice helps fight cancer
Research shows that Bromelain has the potential to act as an effective anticancer agent. Specifically, it may work with chemotherapy to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
It also contains beta carotene, which can prevent prostate cancer and possible colon cancer.
Pineapple also provides a lot of beta carotene. In a 2014 study of 893 participants, people who ate more foods containing beta-carotene showed signs of lowering their risk of colon cancer in a 2014 study.
3. Pineapple juice helps maintain healthy vision
Beta-carotene and vitamins can help maintain vision as they prevent macular degeneration, which is the main reason for loss of vision in older adults.
Vitamin C also plays a crucial role in protecting vision, as a recent study showed that higher vitamin C intake reduces the risk of cataracts, which may interfere with vision. The authors even suggest that this is used as a primary prevention method.
4. Helps maintain healthy heart and kidneys
Vitamin C, beta carotene and antioxidants in pineapple juice help your body maintain cardiovascular health. It also helps lower blood pressure and can be very effective against high blood pressure, which in turn helps reduce your risk of heart disease.
Many studies include one in Finland and another suggest that higher vitamin C intake leads to a lower risk of coronary heart disease. And, like cancer, the risk of heart disease can also reduce high fiber content.
Pineapple juice is also a natural diuretic that helps keep the kidneys healthy, an organ responsible for eliminating toxins in the body.
5. Pineapple juice promotes healthy and cleansing skin
The vitamin C and beta carotene contained in pineapples are antioxidants that can help reduce wrinkles, improve overall skin texture and minimize exposure to skin damage and contamination from sunlight.
Vitamin C in pineapple juice is also a very effective acne treatment.
You can use it as toner or apply and dry it and then wash it with cold water to eliminate acne and acne marks.
Therefore, pineapple on the skin is one of the perfect remedies to make the skin clear.
Vitamin C also helps to form collagen, a common protein in the body that imparts strength and structure to the skin.
6. Strengthen the immune system
Pineapple juice may help boost the immune system. Since pineapple juice is full of vitamin C and potassium, it is one of the best sources of antioxidants out there. Antioxidants not only strengthen your immunity, but also help keep your skin and body feeling and looking younger.
In a 2014 study in the Philippines, researchers examined the effects of pineapple on 98 school-age children. Children who eat canned pineapples every day have fewer virus and bacterial infections than children who do not eat this fruit.
Participants who did have infection in the pineapple consuming group had shorter recovery time. Although this is a limited study, the results suggest an association between pineapple intake and infection’s more effective immune response.
7. Remedies for menstrual diseases
Pineapple juice is a very effective treatment when it comes to menstrual diseases. Bromelain has analgesic properties that can help women suffering from uncomfortable or painful periods.
8. Reduce abdominal distension or constipation
Pineapple juice is thought to help digestion and reduce bloating and constipation.
Bromolene can also work by breaking down proteins faster, which helps speed up digestion and reduces bloating and constipation during the process.
In addition to the purposes discussed above, Bromelain has even been used in the past to help treat ulcerative colitis, which may reduce symptoms of bowel diseases such as swelling and even ulcers.
9. Promote bone health
The manganese present in pineapples is very good because it helps to grow and maintain strong and healthy bones.
Pineapple juice contains nearly 73% of the manganese needed by the human body.
It is especially beneficial for growing children as it helps the growth and development of adult bones. It prevents bone-related problems by strengthening osteoporosis, such as osteoporosis.
10. Enhance male and female fertility
Pineapple juice contains several beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, beta carotene, copper, zinc and folic acid. Many of these can help enhance fertility in both men and women.
11. Prevention of asthma caused by exercise
Pineapple is also a good source of beta-carotene, which is converted into active vitamin A during digestion.
Although the study is still in its early stages, many studies have shown that beta carotene may reduce the risk of exercise-induced asthma.
12. Promote oral health
If you want to ensure your teeth are healthy and prevent frequent dentist travel, add pineapple juice to your diet.
Pineapple juice contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen gums and keep teeth healthy and strong.
Vitamin C also helps prevent plaque formation and reduces the risk of periodontal disease and gingivitis because they limit bacterial activity.
13. Filled with powerful manganese
Another important benefit of drinking pineapple juice is the manganese content.
A large part of the population lacks manganese. This is an essential nutrient that fights aging and disease by protecting cells from free radicals, which can lead to cell damage, both of which can lead to both.