Tina Nneoma Offu, a Nigerian woman in Denmark, shares how a woman can tell if she is married to “weapons to her.”
“He will never let you work and will convince you to be a housewife with a lot of commitments. But over time, you realize that these commitments are just making you financially dependent on him. No work means no income, and no income means no freedom,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.
He will get you pregnant every year to destabilize you. This is usually a strategy that keeps you weak, exhausted and unable to focus on yourself. With multiple children to take care of, without financial independence, you rely entirely on him, and it is almost impossible to leave even if you want to.
他會感到不安全。 He compares you to other women, makes you unattractive and reminds you of your own flaws, just to destroy your spirit. His goal is to make sure you never feel confident enough or ask for better treatment.
他會讓你缺乏自信心。 He refuted your opinion, overwhelmed you and made sure you no longer recognize that you were once a strong, independent person. Before you know it, you will doubt yourself at any time and dare not make a decision without his approval.