The video captures a shocking moment The prosecutor accidentally played a footage of a naked woman and another bizarre and unrelated clip during the trial of former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.
Prosecutor Marlene Orjuela first played a short man, a short man holding a bottle of wine, followed by an ai-henchanced video from @k3d woman from p0….. rntubeclub.

Her mistake triggered a laugh from the judge for apologizing for choosing a clip instead of playing from a series of recorded telephone conversations related to the Uribe case.
“I’m sorry for your honor. We want to show everything [Diego Cadena] It has been sent, but we did not foresee this to happen. ” Ojira said with a smile.
“We have 57 files made up of video and recordings,” explains Orjuela’s colleague Luz Mireya Lopez, the second clear clip.
Ojira tried to keep her calm as the victim’s lawyer and judge began to laugh.
“I’m sorry for your honor, but…just…”

Uribe, 72, is tried for witness bribery in criminal proceedings and procedural fraud – while the clip was displayed at a court meeting on Friday, March 7, the trial of stone was still maintained.
Prosecutors intend to play a series of recordings between lawyers Juan Jose Salazar and Diego Cadena, taken from Salazar’s phone.
Salazar and Cadena are both part of Uribe’s legal team and are related to his trial.
Uribe, who served as President of Colombia between 2002 and 2010, faces up to 12 years in prison and eight years of procedural fraud if convicted.
Colombian law allows for simultaneous jail service. As Needtoknow reports, Uribe denied all charges against him.
The next hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11.