Police Assistant Inspector General AISHATU ABUBAKAR-BAJU said police laws and regulations require the firing of unmarried police officers who became pregnant while active in service have been removed.
Abubakar-Baju, the highest female police officer in Nigeria, said on the channel’s television station on Wednesday, March 12 that Abubakar-Baju mentioned that the law that discriminates against women in the Nigerian police force has been removed.
She said:
“The Section 127, along with any part of the Police Act and Sexism, has been removed from the Police Act of 2020 and the police reforms currently underway.
Last year, the IGP (Police Inspector General) launched the Nigerian police gender policy to ensure that any form of gender discrimination is completely eliminated.
I can tell you that Nigerian police are already adults and IG is intentionally inclusive and ensure that Nigerian police are an equal opportunity agency. ” she added.
Olajide’s dismissal in 2021 has caused anger among the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), which approaches the federal high court in Abuja to challenge the legality of Article 127 of the Police Regulations. The court dismissed the lawsuit, deeming that the lawsuit lacked merit, and ruled that such officials knew the regulations before they were admitted to force. The NBA has no doubt challenged the lower court’s judgment to the appeal court in Lagos. In May 2024, the Court of Appeal litigated for the Nigerian Police Act Nos. 126 and 127, which allows unmarried police officers to be dismissed.