- Actress Lola responds to Ifeluv’s allegations of infidelity.
- Ifeluv climbs Lola hides in Oluwadolarz’s bathroom.
- Lola clarifies the situation in an Instagram post.

Actress Lola finally talks about the allegations of comedian Oluwadolarz’s fiancé Ifeluv, who claims Lola has been hiding in his bathroom, which means infidelity.
In a detailed Instagram post, Lola clarified the situation and explained that she had been shooting content videos behind Oluwadolarz’s home. After the filming, Oluwadolarz offered to her the use of her sister’s bathroom to freshen it.
Lola expressed disappointment and emotional distress at the false allegations and stressed that she had always treated Ifeluv with respect. She urged Ifeluv to focus on solving any problems in her relationship rather than making unnecessary claims.
At the end, Lola reiterates her dedication to her professional and personal integrity, confirming that her actions never hurt.
Lola’s post read:
“Honestly, I won’t fix this because I have a clear conscience, but for my friends and family, especially my brand, I want to fix this ridiculous allegation.
First, I want to think I’m a very good actress (if I say it myself), so I don’t have to sleep for the role, my talent speaks literally.
Now, about “Catch Me in the Bathroom”, I just finished the pepper content shot behind his studio house (video posted above, also on my page), and I needed to wash my body immediately, so he asked me to use my sister’s room, she claimed that she “Catch Me” the bathroom was his sister’s bathroom, I didn’t know she had a convenient way to forget this detail.
Also, it’s one thing to accuse me of sleeping with your fiancé and lying just to arouse sympathy, which is another game altogether! That’s very small.
I never thought I had to deal with this kind of BS early in my career. It’s so pathetic to see people I respect so much online, based on pure assumptions and misinformation, so untrue to me.
If you choose to play your family’s dirty clothes on the internet, please don’t project your insecurity on me, drag me into this mess. The energy you use to push unfounded allegations, direct it to resolving dysfunctional relationships and leave me alone! ! !
Honestly, I hope I don’t have to say it anymore. ”
Please see the post below: