A year ago, a Georgia teenage girl was finally found safe in a neighboring country by pseudonym during a dispute with her father.
Asata Amun, then 16, found no shoes and no personal belongings in a video of her escaped doorbell at Buford Home in Gwennett County on February 1, 2024, according to police and reports.
The WSB reported that her father threatened to send her to a military school, which disappeared due to disciplinary issues.
“So you’re just going to run like a coward,” police said.
After 13 months of uncertainty, Gwennett police said Amon has been in the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services detention since February 2024, but under the alias.
Tennessee officials were finally able to figure out Amon’s true identity because they had no doubt from the girl.
The girl’s mother, Jasmine Dominique, told WSB this week that she “put down the phone” when she received good news about the girl.
“I can’t believe it,” said the Connecticut parents.
“She was leaving in Atlanta, she slept on the street until someone helped her and then took her to the bus, where she needed to go,” Dominic added. He hoped to be reunited with his daughter soon.
The WSB reported that two of Amon’s sisters were evacuated from her father’s home on allegations of abuse of them, and Amon also claimed she was abused.
The radio said Kwabena Amun denied the allegations.
Police said Amon will be transferred to care at the Georgia Department of Family and Children’s Services.