Another important factor in determining personal learning trends is motivation. Motivation involves the individual’s internal and external energy, moving towards the intended goal.
If a person has no motivation, he cannot learn effectively. Therefore, teachers need to understand the concept of motivation and how it applies to the teaching process. This is the focus of the unit.
What is motivation
The motivation for the term has been defined in a number of ways. In short, motivation answers a question: Why behaviour? That is, why a person acts in his own way.
The answer to this question is related to the teacher. If teachers can understand the students’ actions or response reasons, they can promote classroom learning.
A more simplified definition of motivation is as follows:
– Motivation is the force or condition in the organism that prompts its action or reaction.
– Another definition of claim motivation refers to the biological, social and learning factors that initiate, maintain and discontinue the goals to guide behavior.
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From these definitions, three types of motivations can be seen:
1) External motivation:
These include those forces outside the individuals who regulate their behavior. Vibrant motivation is something outside the individual (e.g. food, water, etc.). The teacher must use this motivation wisely and put in effort. Teachers should avoid using expensive things to motivate students.
2) Intrinsic motivation:
These include the power within the individual. It has nothing to do with the outside world. This is a motivation, which is caused by inherent self-satisfaction as people participate in learning activities.
This motivation is related to the learning task itself. Therefore, if this motivation is to be maintained, teachers need to provide learners with relevant simple and appropriate learning tasks.
3) Achievement motivation:
This refers to the motivation for school achievement, work location, occupation, etc. This means a desire for achievement, conquest, ability, etc.
Therefore, the realization of successful learning depends on the student’s motivation to achieve. Therefore, if there are few incentives for learning tasks with the possibility of success, then achievement may be higher than incentives.
Motivation theory
There are many motivational theories. Some of these are briefly explained as follows:
1) Hedonism theory
Those who agree with this theory believe that human behavior is primarily triggered by the desire for pleasure and avoiding pain. In other words, people engage in activities without any other reason than the pleasure associated with it.
2) Physiological balance theory
The theory holds that humans are said to be through a physiological equilibrium state. This equilibrium state is called “home balance”. Ideally, as long as this equilibrium is maintained, it seems that human activities are not required.
However, since this balance may inevitably be distorted from birth, human activity begins with the desire to regain the physiological balance. Therefore, hunger, thirst, etc. indicate imbalance, leading to the need, driving and thus satisfying activities.
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3) Driver reduction theory
This theory assumes that humans act to reduce the drive. A drive is a tension state that occurs whenever there is (wanted or defective). Needs may be physiological or social.
Wherever there is a driving force, motivational force reduces the accompanying tension, which is often unbearable.
4) Cybernetic Theory
This theory holds that motivation is essentially an attachment to human activities. The theory claims that motivational forces flow from within the individual rather than pursuing the outcome of external incentives.
Curiosity, ability and reciprocity are three forms of intrinsic motivation.
5) Conditional Theory
This theory sees motivation purely based on previous factors or consequences of behavior. Human actions are the positive consequences of their actions.
6) Maslow’s growth theory
This theory sees motivation as a process of growth that shifts from a lower level to a higher level. All human activities are inspired by desires through what he calls the hierarchy of motivation. The hierarchy of human behavior satisfying needs is as follows.
High 5. Self-realization
4 Self-esteem
3. Affiliation and love affiliation
2 Security Requirements
Low 1Physiology
Ways to motivate students to learn better
It is recommended that teachers encourage students to learn effectively.
Make your course fun and engaging.
Demand status is developed by exposing students to the goals of the course.
Strengthen future steps by constructing learning situations and materials in a way that allows successful in early steps.
Provide students with sufficient feed in a row.
Use incentives wisely. Develop a token economic system.
Create an atmosphere that allows students to compete healthily.
Make all learning meaningful and relevant to the student’s experience.
Develop curiosity by expanding students’ experience horizons.
Make all learners happy, ideal and worthwhile.
Develop a positive attitude and intention to learn from students.
One of the basic learning conditions is motivation. Without motivation, humans cannot act or function properly. It is also important to motivate students to learn effectively. Students cannot learn without effective motivational strategies.
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