Enugu Convening Building has introduced a new bill to regulate landlord charges.
Nigeria News Nalin The report said the Enugu House of Representatives has introduced a bill to regulate rental fees and landlord charges, aiming to protect tenants from excessive fees and unfair practices.
The bill is called the bill that amends the Landlord and Tenant Act, with a cap. 101, Enugu State Law, 2024, filed by Hon. Okey Mbah, representing Nkanu’s East District constituency.
It passed its first reading Tuesday.
Key provisions of the bill include:
Blocking agent and attorney fees: These fees cannot exceed 10% of the rent.
Abolish warning fees: Landlords will no longer charge warning fees that are normally non-refundable.
Prevent unfair evictions: The bill establishes clear legal proceedings for evictions.
Regulatory Property Agent: Only certified individuals are allowed to act as land agents or property managers.
Set penalties for violations: Anyone who commits a crime in violation of the law can face a fine of 500,000, up to six months in prison, or both.
honor. Okey Mbah said the bill reflects concerns among Enugu residents and is expected to gain strong support from other lawmakers.