GICN Group has withdrawn allegations of corruption against GTB and apologizes.
Nigeria News Nalin It is reported that a civil society organization, the Global Integrity Crusader Network (GICN), has withdrawn allegations against the Private Investigation Report (PIR) of the Secured Trust Bank (GTB) Limited in the Private Investigation Report (PIR) of the Secured Trust Foundation’s subsidiary.
In a statement to Abuja, the president of the organization, Edward Omaga Esq., he said he introduced the PIR to the media on October 3, 2024, and later submitted the AME to AME and submitted the AME to certain institutions in Nigeria, the United Kingdom, the United States, the United States and Ghana.
He said files that rely on compiling PIR were obtained from the Internet, unfounded and did not describe the true status of GTB Limited and its management.
In other words, the position taken by the Global Integrity Crusader Network in PIR is misleading. It is obvious that the Guaranteed Trust Bank Limited, its management and the entire GTCO brand are not subject to any financial or regulatory scrutiny in the so-called Nigeria or abroad.
“The questions raised against unsolicited accounts opened by customers are unnecessary because banks comply with the highest compliance and due process while preventing violations of data privacy laws,” he said.
Regarding the profit statement issue as of June 30, 2024, Omaga said records abound, indicating that GTB Limited is fully compliant with applicable legal requirements of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Financial Reporting Commission of Nigeria (FRCN), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
“As a result, GICN is not suitable for inquiry of audited consolidated and separate financial statements as of June 30, 2024, during which time was issued by GTCO PLC to the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
“Similarly, in foreign countries where business is running, GTB Limited’s company image and integrity remain intact.
“The economic fines paid by the Guarantee Trust Bank (UK) Limited in the UK and the suspension of its foreign exchange trading license in Ghana are secondary regulatory issues that have been resolved a long time ago.
“The group hopes to apologize sincerely through this media to mislead the public’s negative views on GTB Limited.
“Specifically, GICN pleads with Mr. Segun Julius Agbaje, CEO of GTCO PLC Group, to forgive his shortcomings and see the group as a partner of the bank’s ongoing development to provide quality financial services throughout Nigeria, Africa and the world.
He added: “To follow its determination to keep records, the group wrote to withdraw PIR and all court cases related to the matter on Thursday, February 27, 2025.”