In some places, it is also called iyan, a yam recipe that is produced through a boiling yam process, mashed with mortar and pestle until it stretches like dough.
Yam (plant name: Dioscorea) is a tuber vegetable originating from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
Yam is a good source of carbohydrates, with 356.25 calories, 80kg of carbohydrates, 0.8 grams of fat and 7G protein per 100 grams. This is beneficial for those who want to gain weight and can be taken with any type of soup.
Yam is a bulky tuber vegetable rich in carbohydrates that has many therapeutic properties.
As a good source of complex carbohydrates, eating yam can boost energy in the body.
Yam’s complex carbohydrates and fiber are ideal foods for those who want to control blood sugar and lower elevated cholesterol, especially poor cholesterol levels, because fiber binds to poor cholesterol in the intestines and is then eliminated through feces.
Please read also: 22 high-fiber foods and their nutrient content
The high fiber content of yam also makes it ideal for those who want to achieve their ideal weight and manage constipation.
notes: Yam is a good source Vitamin C – 27% of the daily value of colds, flu and rapid wound healing, anti-aging, strong bones and healthy immune function. It also offers a large number of fiber,,,,, Potassiummanganese and metabolize B vitamins.
Yam is a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure. Therefore, taking yam is an ideal choice for preventing hypertension.
Yam is a good source of B-complexes such as vitamin B6. High vitamin B6 intake has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin C in yam plays some important roles in anti-aging, immune function, wound healing and bone growth.
Therefore, eating natural foods such as yam is the main way to promote health and recovery.
Related: List of high-protein foods you should know
Now, let’s explain the amazing health benefits of yam in the details below:
Amazing health benefits of yam and yam hits

You should know that these are some of the very important health benefits of yam and yam.
1. Good energy
Yam has a high percentage of carbohydrates, which makes it a good source of energy, the presence of defat fiber in digestion, and prevents any form of constipation and inhibits the side effects of weight gain and diabetes.
2. Good source of vitamins
The presence of vitamins in yam gives it an advantage over other foods without other foods, and although some of them are in small quantities, they are still good for health when prepared.
The presence of vitamin C provides the necessary conditions for the human body to fight certain common diseases. Vitamin C also helps smooth the skin and improve hair texture, which is due to collagen.
Vitamin B complex also provides the body with the necessary nutrition in yam to perform bodybuilding and make us healthy.
Vitamin A is good for bright eyes and not only improves vision, but because it is a powerful antioxidant, eating yam will help improve brain function and reduce inflammation.
3. Help build body minerals
Yam intake will also provide the body with minerals such as iron, which help blood formation and prevent coagulation, potassium, potassium that maintains normal blood pressure, and numerous other minerals that are good for the body.
4. Very suitable for pregnant women
Yam is essentially good for pregnant women because it contains many nutrients that are good for babies and mothers. It contains folic acid, which is absolutely necessary for the brain and central nervous system.
Yam contains minerals, such as (iron), which protect pregnant women from early morning diseases such as nausea and vomiting, and keep their bones strong, which is very important for fetal development.
Regular consumption of yam during pregnancy can also help prevent birth defects due to lack of red blood cells. Calcium content is basically helpful for pregnant women because it helps develop the fetus.
5. Helps lower blood pressure
Yam contains the highest amount of potassium nutrients, as well as folic acid in other foods, which help lower high blood pressure and modify blood vessels for proper blood flow, so it is recommended to consume yam every day to benefit the body when controlling heart rate.
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6. Helps relieve menstrual pain in women
Many studies have been shown that the consumption of yam helps prevent severe pain in women during menstruation, but that is what many women don’t know. Yam contains many vitamin and mineral supplements that can help reduce illness and depression in women during menstruation.
It reduces hormone imbalance in the female endocrine system and helps stimulate ovulation substances that help improve fertility.
7. Rich in carbohydrates
Yam is highly rich in carbohydrates and contains a lot of fiber, which provides the body’s energy and blood sugar regulation. Carbohydrates also help break down fatty acids and prevent ketosis.
8. Source of brain function
Experiments conducted by scientists on memory boosters have proved that frequent consumption of yam increases the speed of brain function due to the mineral content it contains.
9. Rich in antioxidants
The presence of vitamin C in yam is a healthy antioxidant that helps the body fight infectious diseases and kills cancer cells that cause free radicals in the body. It is also the best food for people with asthma and arthritis.
10. Balance of digestive system and intestinal movement
Thanks to potassium and fiber content, yam is a good food for balance in the gut movement and digestive system, helps muscle contractions in the gut and helps get rid of constipation.
11. Helps with skin and respiratory diseases
Yam contains a compound called Allantoin, an active moisturizer used to treat scaly, itchy, dry and rough skin, burning, boiling, and other skin diseases. Its extracts also help relieve chronic inflammatory diseases, tight chests and shortness of breath.
12. A good source of vitamin B6
A good source of vitamin B6 in the body helps reduce the risk of heart disease, it also helps the body break down a substance called homocysteine that damages the walls of blood vessels even if your body suffers from your body , which can also lead to heart failure and low levels of cholesterol.
13. Good supplement for menopause
Yam contains some enzymes that help nourish and balance some hormones that don’t function during menopause. Deficiency of vitamin B6 and hormone imbalance after menopause may lead to depression.
Menopause women are advised to consume yam every day to help balance certain hormones that are crucial in the body.
14. Yam can help lose weight
Because yam has high fiber content, it helps reduce sugar in the body during metabolism, thus helping you to starve between meals and lose weight. Supplementing food with yam can help you stay healthy because it is not hypertrophy.
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Yam and yam nutrition content
Nutrients – Carbohydrates are the main well-known figures in yam, but it contains other essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B-complex, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, copper, copper, Iron and other foods contain dietary fiber, protein and fat.
Element | Amount |
protein | 5G |
Total fat | 2G |
saturation | Fat 0g |
sodium | 9mg |
sugar | 5G |
Calories | 118g |
Polyunsaturated fat | Fat 1G |
Dietary fiber | 1G |
cholesterol | 0 mg |
Monounsaturation | Fat 0 g |
Potassium | 816 mg |
Total carbohydrates | 28 g |
Some of these nutrients (such as vitamin B complexes and proteins) are contained on the yam’s skin, which means flaking them will reduce these nutrients, so it’s best to cook them first before peeling, but it still depends on what you’re preparing .
Are there any side effects of yam?
As long as you consume yam in a medium amount, there will be no many side effects. It is full of carbohydrates, which is the most important form of energy, but side effects include weight gain and diabetes caused by excessive carbohydrate glucose.
Since it is not the solution to avoid carbohydrate foods, the body needs carbohydrates to get energy, and yam is a carbohydrate-rich food, but the diet is also high in fiber, which will help suppress weight gain and diabetes side effects.
All in all, the nutritional and health benefits of yam include good energy, good source of vitamins, which help build body minerals, are very good for pregnant women, help lower blood pressure and help relieve menstrual pain in women.
Also rich in carbohydrates, a source of brain function, rich in antioxidants, help balance digestive and intestinal movements, used to cure skin diseases and respiratory problems, this is a good source of vitamin B6, a good supplement for menopause .