The living church (renamed the winner’s church) will be prepared for a major milestone in October 2024, because the two beloved leaders David Abiaye and Thomas Alei THOMAS AREMU will officially retire.
The bishop Abiaye began in the church in 1987 and became the youngest bishop at the age of 32. The farewell ceremony will be held in Abuja on October 18. The former Minister of Accountant AREMU will celebrate in Ibanan on October 15.
These retirees marked the revised retirement standards of the church, which is the first public celebration celebration in the history of the victor’s church. The new regulations set the retirement age to 58 years, and the first 60 transition. However, the founder, David Oyedepo, will retain his lifelong service privilege, and future leaders will serve for one or seven years.
Both bishops have made significant contributions to the growth of the church. From the beginning, Abiyye played a key role, and Aremu was the last seven bishop in 1999. One. Their influence left the church’s long -lasting heritage, making these rituals a heritage of these rituals. Tribute to their decades of service.
As the church transitions through the new leadership guidelines, the retirement of Abi Oi and Alum reflects the convergence of the past, while looking forward to the future.
In 1981, after his vision in 1981, the bishop David Oyedepo was founded by the bishop by David Oyedepo in 1981 by the bishop. He claims that he has gained sacred tasks to preach prosperity and belief. The church developed rapidly, and its headquarters was located at the Faith meeting of Ota, Ota, Nigeria. The curtain of faith is known for its large conventions and is recognized as one of the largest church buildings in the world. The Ministry has expanded globally and has branches in many countries/regions, and attaches great importance to evangelism and education.