Sean “Diddy” comb pleaded not guilty to the amended indictment, which included new forced labor charges. The 55-year-old’s comb was noticeably grayer than a few weeks ago, with his hands folded in front of him as he told Judge Arun Subramanian that he read the indictment and understood the charges against him.
According to the indictment, the rap tycoon forced employees to work long hours under the threat of physical and reputational hazards and forced at least one worker to have sex with him. According to the New York Times, Mr. Coms’ lawyers denied that the rap tycoon had forced anyone into SX, and the case revolved around a voluntary relationship with his girlfriend. His attorneys also “strongly” denied all allegations against him in federal cases, as well as dozens of civil lawsuits filed against him in recent months. “He is looking forward to a day in court, and that’s it’s obvious that he never forced anyone to sxual behavior against his will,” said his attorney Marc Agnifilo. Mr. Combs is one of the most successful rappers in the United States and is soon expected to be tried in federal SX trafficking and extortion cases. The new allegations detailed in the revised indictment are allegations of extortion. Additionally, Mr. Combs faces dozens of lawsuits accusing him of R@PE and Ass@Ult. His attorney dismissed the lawsuit because of “clear attempts to get publicity.” On Friday, Mr. Combs was taken to a board court at the Southern Endict Federal Court in a green tan prison jumpsuit with gray hair and beard. When the judge asked him if he had read and read the indictment, he replied, “Yes, I have a sir.” Behind him, on the public bench, his son Christian, his daughter chance, his mother Janice Combs wearing big sunglasses, friend Marvet Britto (public relations staff) and two other men who describe themselves as a family’s “support system” and two others. Mr Combs smiled in court, waved his kiss to his family and hugged the lawyer. In addition to the new allegations, a videotape published by CNN last year, which also had a lot of discussion in court, seems to show Mr. Combs’ CCTV footage, kicking his ex-girlfriend, Cassandra Ventura, and in the hotel corridor in 2016, Combs’ lawyers videoed the corridor in a hotel in 2016. Upward, timestamp overwrite. On the other hand, prosecutors described it as “critical” and “direct evidence”, indicating that they will be submitted as exhibitions at trial. The judge urged them to reach a compromise. CNN and Ms. Ventura’s lawyers denied Mr. Combs’ lawyers’ views on the video. After the video was released in 2024, Mr. Coms apologized for his actions, saying: “I take full responsibility for the actions in that video. I was disgusting when I did it. I am disgusted now.” On Friday, the judge said the jury’s selection is expected to begin on May 5 and the statement is open on May 12. Diddy’s Post pleas for not guilty of new charges in the SX trafficking case, first appeared on the Linda Ikeji blog.
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