No wonder the same rich woman is sleeping with all kinds of men, just squirting and cum online, they dragging bankrupt men, but offline, they complain as they push the same broken man’s dick violently. Most of you will be alone and already dead alone. Awon Baba took me to my husband’s house 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I don’t need a man, Dey Go church goes to pray for men, any man lord 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Men, my book “Female Nature” has been published. Get links from my Twitter Bio, @godispatriarchy, Linda Blog does not allow links here. So go to my Twitter Bio and use that link there to get the book. Also, follow me on Twitter @godispatriarchy and get Dr. Warren Farrell’s Myth of Male Power, who exposes injustice to boys and men and gets it from pdfdrive. You will cry for the man, he talks a lot about women who kill her husband and are not punished at all or are barely punished, and many other crimes committed by women will be released, but if the men are the same, they will be severely punished. Also read the book, Esther Vilar, who reveals the greed, selfish and manipulative nature of women, and the stupid simp nature of men, obtained from pdfdrive. Additionally, YouTube processing reveals female nature; Chisha Zed, Jr. Wisdom, Charles and Charge, Pink Books, Manosphere Daily, Poor Podcast, Take Right Action, Eze Response
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