Kel-P and Wande Coal Lyrics
Read the lyrics below and feel the infectious, engaging rhythm tomorrow go through sneak and Waande Coal;Let the music move you.
Related: Read Wande Coal & Kel-P’s lyrics
Kel -P & Wande Coal -Ejo Lyrics
Ejo, go
This is the resonance of kel-p
Smell for me
Fall down for me
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
Smell for me
Are you by my side?
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
She’s squeaking like ejo
Why Shee’s son is like a snake
Bosy is a
She’s squeaking like ejo
She likes my lifestyle
She said I’ve flew
She likes my chewing gum
My love has not expired
But this is your boy
Like a star boy wizzy
I sing like wizzy
Dance like a breeze
Mom, mom complains
Turn your neck, mom
You open my way, mom
When I like it, I like it, mom
Swinging around me
Complain me
My head is between your legs
Love it when you’re naked
Smell for me
Fall down for me
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
Smell for me
Are you by my side?
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
She’s squeaking like ejo
Why Shee’s son is like a snake
Bosy is a
She’s squeaking like ejo
Omo Bo Shen Jo Fun Mi
Courtship Products
She is a shey to me
He is the aorta
He is my son
Omo Sho Jo
Baby, don’t wear me
From the skin
Power Hill Haming
Omode has gone
I pee, I really got it
Dear electric motor
Dear electric motor
I’ll give you more
You no longer need more people
She’s squeaking like ejo
Why Shee’s son is like a snake
Bosy is a
She’s squeaking like ejo
Smell for me
Fall down for me
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
Smell for me
Are you by my side?
Girl, you know I like your complaints about me
She whispers like Shakira
Dance like Shakira
O year
The person who went to Lira
Oh, yes
Make you complain like Shakira
Dance like Shakira
Oh, yes, yes
Complaint like Shakira
O year
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