A Peruvian fisherman who lost 95 days on the sea in the Pacific Ocean reveals how he survives.
Máximo Napa Castro, 61, set out on December 7 to fish from Marcona, a small town on the Peruvian coast. He packed up enough food and made a two-week trip, but ten days after the stormy weather left his boat off the route, and he eventually attached himself in the Pacific.
According to Mail Online, his family conducted a search, but Peru’s Maritime Patrol didn’t find him until last Wednesday, until the Ecuadorian fishing patrol found him about 680 miles from the coast, severely dehydrated and in critical condition.
“I don’t want to die,” Napa said in a tearful interview after reunited with his brother in Paita near the Ecuadorian border.

“I ate cockroaches and birds, and the last thing I ate was sea turtles.”
He said he stays strong by thinking about his family, including his two-month-old granddaughter.
Napa said he managed to survive the rainwater he collected on the boat, but quickly ran out of food and ended up spending the last 15 days without eating.

“I have a granddaughter who was a few months old and I stuck with her. I think of my mom every day,” he said. “I thank God for giving me a second chance.
His mother, Elena Castro, told local media that she had begun to lose hope despite her relatives’ optimism.
She told Peru that I told the Lord whether he was alive or dead, or brought him back to me, even to see him. ” “But my daughter never lost her confidence. They kept telling me: Mom, he will come back, he will come back.
Napa’s daughter, inés, Napa Torres, pays tribute to the Ecuadorian fishermen who saved their father’s life.
“This is my father’s miracle,” she told RPP Radio. “As a family, we never gave up on finding his hope.”
“Thank you, brothers from Ecuador, for saving my father, Gakon, God bless you,” she wrote in a Facebook post.
“Every day it’s painful for the whole family, I understand my grandmother’s pain because as mothers, I understand her. We never thought we would go through this situation, I don’t want anyone to anyone, we don’t lose hope, dad, find you.”
Napa had further medical examinations at Nuestra Señora Hospital in Paita before being discharged on Saturday, heading south to the capital Lima.
Mr. Napa is in good health. He can walk and wash himself. Shockingly, but in good health.