Good wishes to continue to be the president of the church for life, bishop David Oyedepo, he celebrated his 70TH
Birthday on September 27, 2024.
Christian Nigeria Take a look at some senior priests, including Goldman Akrabi, the church of the church, Kingsley Okiko of the David Christian Center, and Akinyemi Davids, the global impact of the church, to Septuagagenarian I have to say.
Akinlabi said: “I think this is a great honor Bishop David is young In life problems and ministry problems. As a young man and the emerging minister, I will collect the bishop’s tapes and books, digest them, and apply it to many opportunities and challenges I face.
“My testimony is excellent. Those close to the bishop have changed sharply at close range, and introduced my profound insights to me. These insights have given many good measures.

“The humor and grace that the bishop distributes knowledge is just one of the rare quality of the bishop in his generation, global idols and outstanding beliefs and ministry, and the famous suppliers of the world.
“70 -year -old dad is a life for God and humans. Dad, thank you for your scholarship, love and guidance. May God allow you to dream of new dreams and explore new horizons. My wife Bolarinwa Akinlabi, high -end NG, I am, I Stop with you, we love you.
In addition, Rev. Kingsley Okonkwo published: “This person not only taught me faith, but also showed me faith. Not only showed me, but also introduced me and introduced me into the legacy of faith. Without his teachings and demonstrations, I will become the place today. Dad is 70 -year -old and happy. “
In addition, Rev. Akinyemi Davids said: “Our father is in the Lord, and Bishop David Oyedepo’s birthday is 70th birthday. As a real faith chief, your teachings have cultivated spiritual growth and cannot be measured by impossible measuring. The method of life has changed.

“Your enthusiasm for the soul and the promise of excellence in everything has set an example for all of us. May you have more than many years of fruitful ministry, good health, and the joy of seeing labor in the main vineyard. From the global impact of the church “from all of us.