Surgeon Joel Le Scouarnec is accused of committing such unimaginable terror against children in France.
His trial, one of the largest X abuse cases in French legal history, began on Monday, February 24 in Vanness, Brittany.
In the terraced property he called home, the surgeon (and then in his 60s) kept the meticulous Day of Repentance logs for more than 30 years, and he described at least 299 boys and girls in graphic details.

Le Scouarnec at least denied some of the Ass@Ults and R@pes outlined there, claiming that his writings are just “fantasy.”
Many victims are said to have been harassed after surgery at a French hospital where Le Scouarnec works. The average age of his alleged victims is 11 years old. The youngest victims were four.
In diary entries – in the form of handwritten journals and computer files – Leskog often describes himself as a “pedophile”, retaining his accurate record of how he abused each child’s name, including theirs Names, including the date of their abuse occurred, as well as the location.
He noted in his diary that some of the abuses occurred “in the office” and “in my room.”
Some of these entries even addressed the victims in phrases such as “Dear Little Guy.”
Every year, on his birthday, he records his age and writes: “I am AP@Edophile and I am proud of it.”
The doctor’s dual life was only revealed eight years ago when he boldly attacked his six-year-old daughter of his next neighbor and contacted the police.
During the subsequent raid at his Jonzac home, officers found up to 70 life-size dolls, surgeons hiding under the floor for their S£xual satisfaction.
They also found Le Scouarnec’s videos, wearing wigs or dresses, playing with dolls, who are full of love in and in the diary.
When police named hundreds of names on his record, they were shocked to learn that Le Scouarnec might have been convicted of child pornography in 2005. This is a stinging pain organized by the FBI.
But investigators failed to find his diary, so he got off with four months of probation, moved to another part of France, and took another job as a surgeon.

Le Scouarnec, 74, was stranded in prison and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for beating his two nieces, a patient and the daughter of a neighbor.
After discovering the doctor’s journal, new alleged victims have now been identified.
Le Scouarnec’s behavior is said to have fueled some patients, triggered drug and alcohol dependence in others and disrupted relationships.
The victim and his family hoped that authorities would say he should be stopped sooner to answer their shortcomings.

One of the victims
Le Scouarnec, one of three children, was born in a cabinet maker father in the outskirts of Paris who moved into banking while his mother was a concierge and then quit her child.
He was said to have shown an interest in medicine at the age of ten and worked as a doctor in 1981. Later he specialized in gynecological and abdominal surgery.
While studying medicine, he met his wife Marie-France, who later became a nursing assistant, who had three sons. When Le Scouarnec works from Brittany to Nantes to different hospitals in southwestern France, the family moves regularly.
He kept his diary since the late 1980s, and his alleged victim now knows how well his wife knows about his activities.
Since 1997, he wrote: “It has been nine months since she discovered that I was AP@Edophile”.
Le Scouarnec then wrote that his wife’s discovery prompted him to “start smoking again.” He added that he had stopped cigarettes to focus on “all my free time and money on P@Edophile activities.”
In another entry in the same period, he wrote that his wife “K! Court documents show that it was her destruction of one of his life-sized dolls.
In 2004, Le Scouarnec’s diary was found when the FBI action determined that men who paid for extreme child pornography from the website.
The doctor was one of three people arrested in France. He was sentenced to a four-month moratorium, but soon found a surgeon at Quimperle.
Marie-France moved out of the family home after being convicted, but her husband reportedly paid thousands of pounds for her silence every month.
When a hospital colleague learned about his conviction in local media and attracted attention from the regional medical association, it was decided that he did not violate the Code of Medical Ethics and did not impose sanctions.
In 2008, Le Scouarnec received a full-time surgical post at Jonzac. The hospital’s director was reportedly aware of his conviction but hired him anyway because documents received by French radio stations showed.
In the sleepy town of Jonzac, Le Scouarnec lived alone, hoarded the doll, compiled his horror diary and continued to keep his impunity until he did not In 2017, when, n@ked in his garden, he crossed the fence and harassed the old girl next door for six years.
Le Scouarnec has little chance of being released due to his conviction of the attack and his long-term imprisonment.
On Monday, February 24, in Vanness’s court, other victims will seek judicial justice at the trial, which will cost €3 million. The prosecution is 745 pages long, showing the degree of the surgeon’s depravity.
Hundreds will express distressing testimony for the abuse they claimed to have suffered at the hands of surgeons, once thought his community was a pillar.