A babysitter is charged with F@Tally ST@Bbing in Las Vegas while her father is working.
Wednesday, March 26, at 3:36 a.m. local time, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) “responded to the stabbing incident in the 4200 block of Channel 10 Drive,” police said in a press release.
The statement added: “The arriving officer found a female teenager with a noticeable stabbing inside the apartment. The officer provided life-saving measures until medical staff arrived. The teenager was transported to a local hospital and was later pronounced dead.”
Police identified the suspect as Marketta Phillips, 41, and said she was “near the scene and was detained”.
The Clark County Office of Coroner/Medical Prosecutor identified the victim as 3-year-old Journei Ross, adding that her career was “multiple stabbings.”
Police release continues to release: “During the investigation, homicide detectives learned that Phillips was taking care of the victim while his father was at work.” “At some point, Phillips stabbed the victim and then fled the area when his father got off work.”
Police said the suspect was booked at the Clark County Detention Center to open up murders with deadly weapons. She first appeared in court on Thursday, March 27.
When the victim’s father came home from get off work, he found that the suspect was “surrounded by multiple knives on the kitchen floor” and cited the arrest report.
The father allegedly had a relationship with Phillips with whom she told police she lived in the apartment for the past year.
Police found three sheets of paper at the scene with red markings on them that read: “Look at what happens to you [mess] With people’s lives,” KVVU reported: “Now we have nothing. ”
Ross tells the tragic night to reporters, telling WTNV that he was at work on the night of March 25, while Phillips looked at his daughter who had done “number of times” before. When he returned home after 3 a.m. the next morning, he noticed blood on Phillips’ arm and went to check his daughter immediately.
Ross can be heard crying, “You killed me” in a painful 911 call obtained by CBS branch Klas. [expletive] child! ” and “My child is not breathing. My baby just bleeds in the whole damn bed. What did you do? ”
Ross told KTNV that he had lived with Phillips for a year. He told the station: “I don’t know she’s a crazy case, you know?”
Ross shared Journei’s custody with Whitson, who told reporters she had never met Phillips before meeting her in court on Thursday, March 27.
“I don’t know this woman. Today is the first day I’ve seen this woman in my life. It’s crazy, she took my kids.”
Phillips was held at the Clark County Detention Center without bail. Her next court appearance is scheduled for April 1.