Police in the U.S. have identified and released photos of two men they are looking for related to the deadly shooting of American rapper G $ Lil Ronnie and his 5-year-old daughter.
Forest Hill Police Chief David Hernandez said in a press conference that they have obtained two capital murder orders for Adonis Robinson, 24, who is also a registered S3X criminal, and Jakobie Russell, 21, is linked to Sho0ting.

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“They are scared, they are cowards, they hide,” Hernandez said of the suspect Wednesday. “We asked the public, please know where they are, let us know.”
Fort Worth rapper Ronnie “Lilronnie” Sibley, also known as G$ Lil Ronnie and his 5-year-old daughter R’Mani Sibley, were identified by Ronnie’s aunt as being shot Monday in the Slappy Express Wash shooting in the 6500 block of 6500 Forest Hill Drive.
Authorities found the victim’s car on the windshield and took life-saving measures against the victim, but both were pronounced dead at the scene.
Forest Hill PD said its preliminary investigation showed that two suspects left a white four-door Kia, approached the victim’s car and opened fire. Police said the suspect was described as two black men wearing blue jeans and gray sweaters.
The Texas Rangers have been leading the investigation. Police said Monday that the investigation is underway and they are still working to determine the motivation.
“Public safety is our first issue,” Forest Hill Mayor Stephanie Boardingham said Wednesday. “We are confident that we can act quickly in this incident.”
“Our heartfelt condolences pay tribute to our family and our community because everyone is affected,” she added.
The fatal shooting on the car wash is the third major incident this year involving gunfire from the Forest Hill Police Department.
Detectives said they are investigating the death of a woman killed by a homeless bullet while in the backyard last week. The Forest Hill Police Department is also investigating a soccer at a dealership who arrested a man.