The International Bureau of El-Buba Outside Department, Prophet isa El-BUBA, he shared his hopes to hold the Crusades East Expedition in Anambra from September 26th to 27th, 2024. The visiting minister of the day was Dr. Umma Ukpai.
Under his royal Je, Joel Madadaichiine will also celebrate the new yam festival (Anabra).
In an article on Facebook, the church of the missionary is headquartered in Jos, Plateau, and reveals the expectations of the participants to the plan. According to him, the purpose of this event is to change the lives of the people. He added that there will be inspiring information and sincere worship, and God’s ability will be reflected on that day.
Isa El-Buba wrote: “Anambra, this is your time. I am glad to invite you to participate in the upcoming” Great Umuawulu as the East of the Cross of Christ “. We will experience God’s incredible power to change our lives!
“This powerful incident will emphasize how God’s light breaks through darkness and bring real changes with inspiring information, sincere worship and power of God. Whether you are seeking hope, rehabilitation or a deeper connection with God, This effort is suitable for you!
“Let’s witness the amazing way of working in our lives and communities. Invite your friends and family members to join our experience of changing our lives. I look forward to seeing you there.”
Reaction to ISA El-Buba posts
Several followers of the Prophet respond to his position. View some of them below.
iFy Orajekwe: “Glory! Harry Luya to God. May Jehovah’s name be glory when he draws his soul.
Belenu Ekene: “Different from the traditional Nigerian Pentecost of G.OS, I hope God retains you so that you will become a bright lighthouse for light, and hope this country.”
OGOCHUKWUMELUM DIMELU: “Umuawulu, that is the place of life. Dad, you’re welcome.”
Daniel Amic John JP (Daniel Amechi John JP): “Sir, this is the case when the royal father is the child of God, not a child on the other side. Their Crusades’ East Expedition will be performed during the celebration of their Johor Bahru to win the soul for God. “
Moses ANENE: “Great Prophets, welcome to the country, Aunabra. His Royal Ezeudo is a real believer and the king of God.”