A Chinese miner was accused of selling a Zimbabwe man for the allegations of theft of gold coins, and was rejected by Gua Da Public Security Judge.
The 60 -year -old XU Guoqing was arrested on January 22 and was allegedly landed at the 22 -year -old MThandazo Sibanda on the Binnyup 5 mine in Matabeleland South. The incident was reportedly involved in the 9mm DERYA pistol.
ZimLive’s court documents explained in detail Sh00ting, revealing that Sibanda hit from behind, the bullet hit his left hip, and exited from his upper thigh. The projectile also passed the right hand during the trajectory.
Guqing’s lawyer UUKumetsi Matjaka Nare told the court that the defendant initially fired a warning gun with Deter Sibanda, alleging that he was stolen. However, Wuju was aimed at Pyanta’s legs and was injured.
At the bail hearing, Sithembile NDEBELE, the Guida region, rejected Guoqing’s application on Monday because the victim was a key situation at the United Bulaway Hospital. “If the victim succumbed to his injuries, the crime of murder of the defendant might be upgraded to murder.”
Sibanda is still in a state of threatening life, and medical staff monitor him closely in the hospital.
After the ruling, Gongkui’s legal team announced a plan to appeal to the High Court’s ruling. Nayle said outside the court: “We intend to appeal to the decision.”