The U.S. government has officially reduced all contacts with Trump withdrawn from global health institutions.
Nigerian News Nalin It is reported that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an instruction aim to immediately stop cooperating with the World Health Organization (WHO).
CDC officials John Nikengasong instructed the institutional staff to cooperate with the memo obtained by the Associated Press, including the technical group, the consulting committee and cooperation agreement to suspend all activities.
The memorandum also prohibits CDC personnel from access to the WHO office.
This arduous measure was by the administrative order of President Donald Trump from the WHO to withdraw from the United States.
The government enumerated the reason why the agency was suspected of being popular in 19009 and failed to adopt basic reforms and sensitivity to political influence as a decision.
The withdrawal attracted the attention of global health experts, and they warned that this may seriously damage the international health plan.
In response, WHO expressed his promise to maintain dialogue with the United States, and talked about the importance of solving the cooperation between global health emergencies and strengthening the medical care system.
The person said: “The partnership with the United States has the effect of promoting influential health reforms and responding to the global crisis.”