Tofu is a staple food based on plant -based diets, but for those who avoid soybeans, these choices may be very limited. I decided to try to make Soy -free tofu using egusi seeds-The Western African ingredients known for high protein content and rich flavor. Although the result is not what I expect, the process has opened some interesting possibilities for the future recipes.
What is Egusi?
egusi seed from Citrultus LanatusRelatives of watermelon. These small creamy seeds are full of nutrition and play a core role in West African cuisine. They are usually grinded into paste, and they are used to thick soup and stew soup. The most famous is Ogus soup-In a rich dish, made of green leafy vegetables, palm oil and IRU (fermented locust).
Egusi seed nutrition benefits
EGUSI is not just a delicious ingredient, it is a strong nutritional ingredient. It contains:
- High -quality plant proteinMake it a great choice for vegetarians and vegetarians.
- Healthy fatEspecially for unsaturated fats that support heart health.
- Essential minerals Like magnesium, zinc and iron.
- Antioxidants and vitaminsIncluding vitamin E, can promote healthy skin.
In view of it Rich protein and fat -rich protein Personal information, Egusi seems to be a promising candidate for making tofu.
My process: turn egusi into tofu
Test 1: No condensed agent
My first attempt to follow the basic method of making tofu:
- I mix egusi seeds with water.
- Tighten the mixture through nut milk bags to separate Egusi milk from fiber fruit.
- Heating milk to encourage natural milk.
What surprised me was that Egusi really condensed by itself and formed a tiny milk. However, these breasts are very fine and soft, and they are not like solid soybean cream milk formed in the process of making traditional tofu. When I was nervous and pressed the mixture, the output was very small, and the texture was white and paste, not sturdy or elastic.
The final baking product is condensed, but the touch is fat. After baking, it also feels too dense and dry, making it not attractive as a tofu substitute.

Test 2: Add condensate agent (gypsum)
For the second attempt, I introduced a common tofu condensed agent gypsum (calcium sulfate) to see if it will make it more obvious.
- I repeat the same process-to make Egusi milk, mix and fatigue.
- This time, I added diluted gypsum solutions when heating milk.
- The milk milk is obviously larger and stronger, which is very promising.
- After pressing, my block is stronger than the first test.
However, the final result is still too fragile, and it is easy to decompose instead of maintaining cohesion. The texture is still white and slightly paste, which clearly shows that this will not be used as appropriate tofu alternatives. Different from soybean tofu with elastic and elastic structure, Egusi tofu lacks elasticity, and it feels too dry after baking, although its content is high.

In the end: Is Egusi a good tofu substitute?
After these two experiments, I had to conclude that Egusi tofu was unable to do, at least there was no traditional way of tofu. High fat content may play a role in preventing the formation of condensation, and the texture is not suitable for experience like tofu.
Can this be used as a cheese alternative?
Although the experiment did not lead to tofu, the fragile texture actually made many of my followers think of on Instagram Sheep cheese or Italian milk cheeseEssence Through some adjustment (maybe you can adjust the moisture content, increase acidity, or perform fermentation experiments), this may become delicious plant cheese substitutes. In this case, slight chalk may work well, and the natural richness of Egusi may become a cream, delicious dairy substitute.
At present, I am looking for perfect soybean tofu, but I see the potential of Egusi cheese. I might try to use different coagulants, and even try to combine fermentation to improve the texture.
Have you ever cooperated with Egusi in an unconventional way? Let me know your thoughts, if you have anything to think about what I should try next!