Before you understand what Barbie is, you should know that dolls have a long history as both a source of entertainment for children and as collectibles for some adults.
For example, my children play with rag dolls. Many times I think about how they feel when they play with rag dolls, because I have never liked or played with rag dolls for a day, but this does not mean that dolls are not fun for children. A great source of water. However, Barbie has remained one of the most popular doll lines over the years.
But have you ever thought about how healthy these dolls are for our children? Well, as you continue reading this article, you will discover the deep secrets and reasons why you should buy a doll for your child.
Adults have long criticized Barbie, both historically and now. You may be wondering why this is happening? Well, most parents and guardians are concerned about the shape of their dolls because they don’t want their young daughters to be unduly affected by a bad body image.
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It’s reasonable to consider the impact of toys on children, as they learn a lot from pretending to play with toys, and it can also affect their self-image given what seems like very legitimate criticism.
However, for the most part, most kids don’t really think about the negative effects that toy Barbies may have on them because, in most cases, playing with Barbies has positive effects on them.
Barbie doll benefits for children
1. They greatly influence their creativity
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Playing with toys or dolls can often improve all aspects of your child’s life, in particular it can help improve their creativity as there are many different clothing, shoes, accessories and playsets that your child can mix and match while playing. barbie doll. However, playing with Barbie dolls helps develop their creativity and clothing/color matching abilities.
They can also share the reasons behind their choice of doll clothing and practice interaction skills in a group play setting. However, as children continue to play with their dolls, they begin to understand that the world has no boundaries and that their only psychological limitations apply to them, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage for their development.
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Also, as we mentioned, playing with Barbie dolls has the power to influence a child’s creativity, so if you claim to love your children, do them a favor by buying them a Barbie doll. To promote creativity and engage this area of your child’s brain, you can choose to be selective or decisive in choosing the type of doll you want to buy. For example, you might choose to purchase a doctor-catching doll so you can introduce your child to the world.
2. Encourage role-playing
However, as we all know, Barbie playsets often come in different varieties and styles, which can be a bit overwhelming for children, as your doll set may have multiple dolls depicting different career options, causing your child to reach an impasse. , decide which career to choose.
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Despite the disadvantages of having you collect different doll sets, your child will gain a better understanding of parts of the real world outside of his or her safe environment by role-playing with the dolls.
The variety of scenes, complementary characters available with Barbie dolls, and how your child performs them are important developmental milestones. As your child continues to play with their dolls, they will begin to develop independence and responsibility. Additionally, your child begins to see a unique side to life that goes beyond playing the stereotypical “mother” role of a doll.
3. Career introduction
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As we have always mentioned in our previous articles about toys and dolls, these toys can teach children positively and introduce them to life-changing career options and skills, whether they use it as their own career or not Choices, and skills, can all work to their advantage.
However, Barbie has a wide range of career options, including nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, and even computer engineers, all of which may help inspire your child and ensure that their future career options are not limited. Your child will also learn from Barbie that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
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4. Cognitive ability
Children’s working memory, flexible thinking and self-control can all be improved through pretend play because it requires them to retain their imagination in the game for a long time. As children grow and explore doll play, the advantages are endless.
Your child may be learning to apply knowledge from one environment to another, make and execute plans, and solve problems based on the way they play.
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5. Fine motor skills
Children can practice and improve fine motor skills by taking off their clothes. Because it’s easier to learn, your child may start by taking off their clothes all the time before gaining the confidence to do the opposite.
When introducing clothes, start with ones that are easier to remove. After that, continue with the pants, links and zippers.
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