Former American senator Bob Menndez was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery and corruption charges. In July last year, the jury ruled that Menndez was established for 16 crimes because they accepted gifts, including gold bars, cash and Mercedes Benz in exchange for helping foreign governments. Prosecutors quoted the “rare gravity” of the previous crime in court documents. I regret that it is a corrupt politician. “American judge, Sidney Stein, said before the judgment of Menndez in Menndez that according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the American partner Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS News), before accepting the verdict,,” Menndez cried while talking to the court. “I woke up every day for punishment. “Then, he asked the judge to” reduce your sword of justice with compassion for a lifetime. “Mertane’s son, Rob Menendez, is a Democratic member, his daughter MSNBC host Eri Alicia Menndez was sitting in the court and sitting behind the court. US dollar (1.4 million) prosecutor said that the businessman of Egyptian Americans, Wael Hana, said that Menndez and the Egyptian government reached a transaction. He was sentenced to eight years in eight years The above imprisonment was fined $ 1.25 million. The guilty verdict was proposed after a nine weeks of trial. During this period, the jurors saw Merandez received a gift, including a gold bar with a value of more than $ 100,000 and more than $ 480,000. Menndez’s home found. Prosecutors said that in exchange for bribes, Menndez helped to receive millions of dollars aid the United States for Egypt. Menndez took any action because of bribery. Uribe plead guilty and is expected to be sentenced later this time. The information and bribery between the plan were delayed. Therefore, her trial was postponed, so she could receive breast cancer treatment and would start in March. Bob Menendez has been in prison for 11 years, and corruption first appeared on Linda Ikeji blog.
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