Aquatic leaf plant is an edible plant and a medicinal vegetable, and is also known for its many names. Other names for Waterleaf include Ceylon Spinach, Florida Spinach, Surinam custlane, Cariru, etc. An interesting fact about Waterleaf is that it has two scientific names: Talinum fruticosum and Talinum triangulare.
However, it is a very edible, nutritious medicinal vegetable regardless of the moisture content. In addition, it is said that the water grows to 5 feet tall, and there is a series of pink flowers. And, as we all know, this is very good for the body and is also a good source of iron and zinc.
You should also know that water leaves are native to the Americas and the Caribbean Sea and are also grown in many places around the world.
4 Health Benefits of Waterleaf
Water leaves are an edible nutritious vegetable. Most people use it in cooking and are considered to have a positive impact on consumer health benefits. In this article, we will share the facts and benefits of Waterleaf that you may not know.
You should also know that oxalate is high in oxalate. This is a very rare chemical that is not common in fruits and vegetables, although it can be found in very few vegetables and other foods. This chemical helps kidney stones for people with kidney disease.
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Although, oxalate chemicals are expected to be removed when cooking or when planning to eat water leaves. This can be done by cooking for a few minutes, as it is safe to eat when you cook up to 50% soluble dissolved, and cooking vegetables can also lead to their brief lectin. This is very important because lectin reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium, zinc, etc.
1. Improve bone health
Calcium and phosphorus are two essential micronutrients required to strengthen bones. However, they are all contained in water leaves.
Research has clearly shown that taking food without phosphorus does not form stronger bones. So you have to combine them in your meal to get the full benefit. They are especially suitable for helping women over 60 who already suffer from osteoporosis.
2. Improve eye health
Water leaves are rich in vitamin A, which is very important for improving eye health. According to the study, the results show that vitamin A can help reduce the progression of retinal disease and reduce the risk of cataracts.
When it comes to improving eye health, adding it to your diet and enjoying the huge benefits it has to offer, Waterleaf is a great option.
3. Iron deficiency and anemia
As we all know, water leaves are an important source of micronutrients such as iron.
4. Cognitive health
You should also know that daily increase or diet can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related cognitive decline due to the presence of vitamin C.
However, water leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C, with a ~31 mg of vegetable matter per 100 grams.
Also read: Health Benefits of Utazi Leaf (Gongronema latifolium)
Nutritional value of aquatic plants
Water leaves are essentially filled with nutrients and micronutrients that are essential for proper growth and physical development.
The following are some of the nutrients rich in water leaves.
(1) Vitamin A.
(2) Thiamine
(3) Riboflavin
(4) Niacin
Each serving of nutrition;
It is said that 100 grams of water leaves contain the following nutrients.
Calories: 25
Protein: 2.4 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Carbohydrates: 4.4 g
Fiber: 1.0 g
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What you should know about water
One of the biggest problems with eating too much water leaves is the oxalate chemicals. Eating too much food containing oxalate can be very bad because it can have a negative impact on your individual’s health.
People with kidney disease should try to avoid eating too much water leaves and if they have to eat it, they have to cook it to remove 50% of the oxalate.
Apart from the disadvantages, water leaves are healthy foods. It has low sugar, calories, etc. Although, medical experts recommend that you should at least add vegetables to your diet.
How to prepare water leaves
Waterleaf is an excellent vegetable that can be grown by almost anyone, and it is also the way to grow vegetables. Water leaves grow mainly in tropical climates. The only high demand for this farmer’s vegetable is watering, as it must be rich, at least partially shaded to accelerate growth.
When planting water, you need to make sure the soil you use is draining well. Also, you need to use nitrogen because this vegetable needs it to be good. If the leaves of the vegetable start to turn yellow, it means the vegetable is lacking in nitrogen.
After harvesting water leaves from the farm, it can be eaten. But it must be cooked to remove the oxalate chemicals in it to reduce the risk of kidney stones. It can be kept in the refrigerator to retain its freshness.
It can be nearly the same as spinach and is popular in soups, stews and stir-fry. It can also be enjoyed primitively, although it is recommended not to do this in large quantities and can also be cooked.
Also Read: 14 Health Benefits of Bitter Leaves (vernonia Amygdala)
Popular local recipes
(1) The element of arrogant, British cuisine from Nigeria
(2) Ikon Iko soup, Efiks dish from Nigeria
(3) Water leaves roasted with yam, plantain and/or potatoes
(4) Stew the leaves with chicken, tomatoes and onions
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