Abba Aliyu, managing director/CEO of Rural Electrification Agency (REA), revealed that many Nigerians lack reliable power in their communities and families.
Naija News Aliyu said a sustainable energy solution is needed to violate the country’s electricity gap, the report said.
The CEO of Rea added in a statement on Friday that strategic partnerships and large-scale investments will be required to provide electricity to Nigerian homes.
He expressed this when he offered 550kWP solar mini-grids in Bakin Ciyawa and kwande in the Qua’an Pan Council area. Plateau State By European Union (EU) and partners on Wednesday.
“The electricity access challenges in Nigeria are broad, and millions of people still do not have reliable electricity. Climbing this gap requires significant investment, strategic partnerships, and a long-term commitment to sustainable energy solutions. However, while the scale of the challenge is significant, the solution lies in practical incremental steps – projects such as the interconnected Small GRID Acceleration Scheme (IMAS) initiatives of Bakin Ciyawa and Plateau State.He said.
Aliyu noted that EU projects will power 3,500 households and businesses with uninterrupted power, create new economic opportunities and eliminate 600 tons of Co₂ emissions per year.
“By deploying 550kWP of clean energy, more than 3,500 homes and businesses now have uninterrupted power, creating new economic opportunities and eliminating 600 tons of bulk emissions per year. It’s a game-changer for these communities, which reinforces the impact of decentralized renewable energy solutions in achieving Nigeria’s electrification goals.
“At the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) in Nigeria, we recognize that closing the energy access gap will not happen overnight. Strategies like this, the accumulation of well-executed plans, have been replicated thousands of times across the country, which will Make universal electricity a reality.
“We are very grateful to Euinnigeria and Deutsche Gesellschaftfürinternationale Zusammenarbeit (giz) GmbH, who continue to support renewable energy adoption in Nigeria. Such partnerships are critical to accelerating our journey towards sustainable, inclusive and community-driven energy solutions.
“As we move forward, let us continue to expand, copy and expand these efforts to ensure that no community is placed in the darkness. Step by step, project by project, we will power Nigeria,He added.