Read the following Tunde Ayeni’s press statement on behalf of Hakeem Adebola…
“In one of the most fascinating father drama cases recently, Abuja lawyer Adaobi Alagwu continues to deploy social media dramas to fix the child on Nigerian businessman Tunde Ayeni. Despite Ayeni’s consistent and firm stubbornness, Ayeni Denied, but Alagwu and her legal team embarked on a movement full of contradictions, deception and thorough fabrication.
One of the most ridiculous attempts to verify is the photos she took at her 30th birthday party with Tunde Ayeni four years ago. Photos taken during social events are absolutely not taken seriously, especially considering that Ayeni publicly condemned her shortly after. The real question is: What value does this photo have when the man in question repeatedly refuses any connection to her? How desperate must a 34-year-old woman use past relics as evidence of a bond that does not exist?
Adaobi’s skin tone is known to attract a lot of suitors, but she believes Tunde Ayeni will be the ultimate fall guy and she is on a big charge. Her plan to secure wealth and status by connecting herself with a distinguished last name is perfect. If she was really not interested in Ayeni’s name, she would have given up on her pursuit a long time ago.
Her recent move to a dowry refund video will only reveal her delusions further. What exactly does she want to prove? The video clearly shows that Ayeni formally requested and received a refund, which is only a public and formal rejection of any supposed relationship. A man who consistently condemns a woman cannot be forced to accept a role that he completely rejects in any imagination.
If Adaobi and her family really have any blood, then Ayeni’s name will make no sense to them. Instead, she insists that it is a lifeline, reluctance to accept the fact that a name does not define value, especially when it repets and emphasizes her.
(Photo shows Adaby getting pregnant while she was dowry, which contradicts the lawyer’s claim)
Investigate undisputed facts
● Ayeni never denies the misfortune that happened with Alagwu in the past– He admitted that he had been involved with her, which was a serious mistake, and he regretted that he had cut off all contact with her since.
● She has been clearly absent in court – Despite being called on two different occasions, she refused to show up. Meanwhile, Ayeni was present and even entered the witness box to answer questions.
● If another DNA test is to be performed, other lovers must submit the test.
● Under the bill, Tunde Ayeni legally married Dr. Biola Ayeni, and the fact that no family soldier might try to ask for will change.
● It is ridiculous that her claim is Ayeni’s wife – In her own lawyer’s press statement, they confirmed that her dowry was returned and cut off any possible connection. So, on what basis does she still claim to be his wife?
● Her legal team Their statement claims: “Any claim that our client’s pregnancy occurred before marriage is wrong. Post-marriage conception.” However, her dowry is a taboo during pregnancy (which is a taboo on Igbo’s land). ) when the payment was made, which is evident from the photos she posted.
● It is wrong to claim that Ayeni appears and cut off the umbilical cord at birth -He only visited for a few days after his heavy persuasion from Sister Adabi.
● In his personal correspondence with Tunde Ayeni, Adaobi continues to beg and attract his conscience.
● Dragging Mrs. Ayeni into this problem will only exacerbate Adaobi’s problem – Her team claimed that Ayeni’s wife accompanied him for DNA tests as acceptance proof, but this only highlighted the pain Alagwu suffered. What problems might a person encounter if a man needs his wife to be present to verify the legitimacy of his child?
Aside from these facts, the question remains: If Adaobi Alagwu is confident in the claims she wants the public to believe, why does she consistently avoid court? What is she afraid of?
The fundamentals remain unchanged: Tunde Ayeni doesn’t want her. No matter how much she tries to manipulate the narrative, their campaign will not eliminate undeniable truths.
Ultimately, there is no amount of drama, fake DNA tests or news reports that will rewrite history. A man should be the one who shows off a woman, not the other way around. No matter how much Alagwu tried to prove that she was once a part of Ayeni’s life, the maternal side drama always obscured her remarks. As she continues to defend, reality remains: She lost. ”