Sean “Didy” comb is opposing federal charges, claiming that the government is targeting him because he is a successful black man. In a new legal filing filed Tuesday, February 18, Didi’s lawyers argued that prosecutors rely on the laws that disappointed him by the Mann Act, which he described as a historical racist.
The Mann Act, also known as the White Slave Transport Act, has been a federal regulation since 1910. Didi noted that it has been used to sue black public figures such as rock legend Chuck Berry and boxer Jack Johnson. His legal team argues that no white people have faced prosecution for renting male escorts across states because of the law.
Federal prosecutors accused Didi of “traffic and prostitution” and alleged that he had hired male S3X workers for private groups. However, his attorneys believe that escort hiring is common in American culture and is widely accepted in American culture, while escort services operate legally and openly.
Diddy’s team claimed that the case was based primarily on the allegations that he and two long-term girlfriends occasionally involved third parties (male escorts). They believe his actions are not uncommon and suggest that the prosecution was racially motivated.
To support his argument, Diddy mentioned former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 after being linked to the escort scandal. Spitzer himself was not prosecuted despite the Mann Act being charged with four people involved in escort services.
Despite basically admitting the allegations, Didi insisted that he was unfairly targeted due to his race and asked the judge to dismiss the indictment Volume 3.