There is a very close connection between marketing and sales of any product or service. Properly sold products absolutely sell more than those sold than those are not because everyone, including you, can only patronize and buy products you know.
The brand awareness of any product depends to a large extent on its popularity in the market chain. Therefore, the more you make your products and services popular, the more customers, customers, prospects, and even transactions you tend to gain.
Let’s take: Suppose you go to any supermarket or shopping mall to shop, you’ll search for those well-known products and brands you often hear about. This doesn’t mean they have no alternative, it just means that the brand itself makes its name so popular that even mentioning the name makes it the original product. Ha ha!
When we hear names like dettol, always, cowbell, peak, vaseline, close-up, pear
Even when I grew up myself, I taught that all sanitary pads are “always” until I knew it was a brand name…… Don’t laugh at me… It’s the trend, and that’s what I hear, whenever I need a mat, I simply say “Please I want to buy forever” lol! I guess many of us did the same!

I don’t even want to mention “Vaseline” because until so far some of us still don’t know that Vaseline is actually the brand name for the product, and there are other options.
Not that all of these mentioned products are bad, nor that their purpose is… no…
Now let me ask: Are cowbells and peaks the only milk available? No, why are they so popular that many people prefer their brand? It’s all about marketing.
Is it the only mat? No, but even until
This is the example you get when you do proper marketing on your brand. You make your brand so popular that a separate brand name becomes a product….lol
You can’t patronize products that you don’t even know they exist, and the only product that lets people know that your business products or services exist is to create visibility through marketing, so start marketing your products today and see how the connection between marketing and sales works.
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You can also start your product and service advertising by word of mouth, inform your friends and family about your products, and more. The whole idea behind this is to let someone know the products you have and the services you can provide to enable you
You can visit this website: Regarding amazing new business ideas, you can start with little or no capital, learn how to grow and expand your existing business with proper management strategies and how to produce some amazing products from the comfort of your home for free.
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